
Posted by on May 18, 2021

Last Tuesday at 3pm the moon was new again, and it looks like I’m actually going to get this one posted before a full week elapses. Progress!

Last month’s focus was on Well-being – not just a recap of my efforts to get my physical Well-being into shape (pun intended), but with an eye toward my metaphysical well-being too. All wrapped in an effort to “be” well. The physical side keeps progressing – continuing to monitor the diet and exercise, leveraging my OCD superpower to dig into all of the metrics. It’s good not only to be able to see changes, but note cause and effect too. Internally I’m starting to get some sense of balance back and have become a bit more self-motivated again. It’s a process.

Which brings me to this month’s focus. Echoing the mention of progress and process so far, this month’s focus is Evolution. Looking back at the past three months – seeing Acceptance (of where we are and our circumstance), Time (the ever-flowing path we move along), and Well-being (an intention of manifesting wellness along that path) – Evolution seemed like a good sign post. It provides an opportunity for both reflection and planning – and unlike metamorphosis, it doesn’t imply a completion to the process.

As someone who observes milestones, May can be a challenging month for me. I look back and see SO many things I wish I could have done or handled differently, and I wonder if I really learned from those many mistakes, or whether I still let the same insecurities manifest today. Honestly, I would rather cultivate new insecurities and make new mistakes. I also look at moments in my life that others see as failures and I have no regret or remorse – so I suppose there really are no absolutes.

What I do believe is that we are all on an arc of redemption. We screw up, we figure it out, we make amends if they’re warranted, and we do better next time. This innate ability to redeem ourselves and do better, to enact an adaptation and propagate it forward in out time-stream, this is how we Evolve.

All of the songs that came to mind for this post didn’t quite fit for one reason or another. Then, reflecting on a moment over the weekend, and encouraged by yet another moment today – intuition calls for me to post this one. Each day is a new opportunity to change course, a new chance at redemption, and another step in our Evolution.

Last modified on December 23, 2022

Categories: Blog, New Moon
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