
Posted by on June 8, 2014

In March of this year many things in my life changed, seemingly irrevocably. While I know that I precipitated much of the difficulty, I still felt like the facts and context weren’t clear, and I felt compelled to set the record straight.

That compulsion lasted about 48 hours – then I got an unmistakable message from the Universe to “sit down and shut up”. This took on the feeling of the scene in the first Austin Powers movie where Dr. Evil tries to silence his son Scott. Zip it… 

So I sat down, and I shut up, but I decided that I’d wait a lunar cycle and then stand back up again – and that my forum would be this blog. 

Again, the universe had different ideas.

Now it’s June. We’re three lunar cycles removed from those dark, early days and I find I’m surprisingly content in my relative silence. My story is being told without need for my words – and I’m actually fine with that.

But the blog needs to be here – the redesign is something I’m proud of, and the mission is something I believe in – but it’s simply not time to delve into deeper personal truths yet.

So I liken this to America’s space program in the early 1960s. First there will be short sub-orbital flights to make sure the basic systems work; later we’ll add more advanced features before finally we’re able to leave orbit and explore the nature of this Universe.

Fitting then that Mercury was the first manned NASA program, that Mercury is the messenger god, and that Mercury goes retrograde this coming Saturday.

The Universe is urging me to find stillness – so be it. I’ll post back here again when waiting is filled.

Last modified on June 8, 2014

Categories: Journal
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