Archive for February, 2017

New Moon – February 2017

Sunday, February 26th, 2017

During the past lunar cycle I focused on self-acceptance. Three days after the last new moon I was in the accident and spent the rest of the lunar cycle forced to do little else but accept each moment as it came. It was interesting to “watch” my brain recover from the concussion and accept that each moment was as it should be.

I ended that period of acceptance by acknowledging that I had a role to play in affecting change and spent the last few minutes of the cycle, combined with the solar eclipse, focusing on letting go of that which does not serve me. Part of this references the “thermal exhaust port” post from the Friday.

With the new moon I start a new cycle, and this time I’m choosing to move from self-acceptance to self-discovery. I’m not sure exactly what that means yet – but that’s also part of the adventure!!