Archive for September, 2017

New Moon – September 2017

Thursday, September 21st, 2017

We had a New Moon very early Wednesday morning, but this is my first opportunity to write about this cycle’s intention. Last cycle’s theme of resiliency – bouncing up off the mat – was a good one. I used the prior cycle’s tools of self advocacy and tried to communicate clearly and concisely on a few occasions. It’s still a new skill, and I did fall a number of times – but, resiliency – we get back up.

This past weekend’s trip to LA pointed to this cycle’s work. I have a “human contact paradox” that many of you are familiar with. I want and like human contact, but I also have wicked bad social anxiety – I guess I’m like a cat that way, pet me until I scratch you. I was reminded while meditating of “you must find within before you can find without” – so okay, how do I give myself the attention that contact with others conveys? My hope is that taking away my “need” will help to make each interaction more balanced and genuine. I’m also learning that being attentive to others might require a change in my own paradigm as well. So this cycle’s theme is self-attention, with a side order of mindfulness of the energies conveyed in my attention to others.