Archive for March 25th, 2021


Thursday, March 25th, 2021

At 5:12am on Saturday, March 13th, the Moon was New. Now, we’re nearly half way through the cycle and I haven’t announced what this month’s intention is yet.

Am I late? No – and such is my lesson this cycle. Everything happens in its own Time. It might not be the Time we expect, or the Time we want, but it happens when it is designed to.

Last month’s theme was about Acceptance. It focused a lot on my being Accepted by others, relating a story from my high school years that underscored a sense of being somewhat ostracized – which ended up being far more of a blessing than a curse. In many ways, that set the stage for this cycle. All is as it is designed to be.

Despite the theme of Acceptance though, I fought against it a lot. The post itself didn’t get nearly the traction I had wanted it to – and yes, I had a really hard Time Accepting that. It was just one of the many, many things that called for Acceptance last cycle. But through all the back and forth with myself, the way I closed the last post was the thing that was important to be carried forward: “When people of good character show up in our lives being unapologetically who they are they should be embraced, not questioned, because it is their very diversity that gives color to our worlds.”

Many of you know I’m a stickler for dates – anniversaries are important milestones. They provide an opportunity to look at where we are and where we’ve been – and look forward to where we might go. I’m not talking about personal relationship anniversaries here – though they are in many ways more important – but I’m talking about other kinds of life changes.

Just before the last cycle ended, on March 12th, it was the 8th anniversary of the interview which led to my career re-birth. The following Tuesday, the 16th, was the 7th anniversary of my separation from a spiritual community that had helped to redefine my spirituality, and gave me many trusted friends I still look to today. While I railed against my “unwelcoming” for a long time, I see now that there were lessons to learn about how people choose to behave, and the value of compassion. Then just this past Saturday, Ostara, was the 5th anniversary of my dedication to my current spiritual community – for whom I am ever grateful.

But among all of those anniversaries are also ones from just last year. March 11th marked one year since I sat in a bar to pass an evening with a drink and a friend. We will get back to those days – but we have to move through these difficult ones first.

So the theme this cycle is Time. For those of you who are saying “but you always said Time doesn’t exist” – I still maintain it is an artificial construct to measure the passage of matter and energy through space. But that’s the point. We all move through this space – sometimes aware of the moments we’re spending, sometimes pained by the moments in our memory, sometimes too focused on the moments to come. In reality, we can only truly function in one moment at a time. Stop. Breathe. Appreciate the good and bad in this moment.

There were so many songs that could have been the soundtrack to this post – but I’m returning to an old favorite. Rather than the official video, I’m posting a lyric video – because words matter.

Savor each moment. Enjoy every sandwich. Love without agenda.