Archive for March, 2022


Friday, March 18th, 2022

This new lunar cycle began with a New Moon at 12:35pm on Wednesday, March 2nd and earlier today she became Full. So far, this has not been the easiest cycle to work through, It was very early on that I thought that I’d know what the focus for this month would be – but things changed quickly when I tested positive for Covid-19. Suddenly looking at things from a distance cause them to start to lose their meaning, and we reach for what really matters.

The focus for the last cycle was Resilience – I had thought I’d had a handle on that, but a series of dominos fell that showed me that sometimes when we are faced with challenges, no amount of being present in the moment can seem to stop our history from reacting to them. By the end of the cycle, I was beginning to rediscover a core of my Resilience and build on that in some very soul-lifting ways.

Covid brain is still a thing as I write this, so I’m going to set aside the philosophical entanglements and reveal that the focus for this cycle is simply “Comfort”. Comfort can come in many different colors – it can be a tender touch, it can be a gentle phrase, it can be an understanding glance, it can be a wonderfully timed text message, it can be a hug. It can also be silence, it can be waiting, it can be the selfless act of being. The important element is that Comfort is intentional and deliberate. We give Comfort to someone in the language in which they can easily receive it – sometimes this act alone can be the most caring.

The song this cycle is new to me – but is fitting for the theme.

“When your heart feels undone; may you always find an open hand.”