Archive for April, 2024


Monday, April 15th, 2024

The New moon coincided with the time of the total solar eclipse: 2:21pm on April 8th. I’m happy to be posting this inside the Waxing Crescent phase. It’s nice to be back on schedule.

The focus for the last cycle was Direction; where I wondered if I could ascertain what my true path was – not just what was available or allowed, but what was actually desired.

In digging into that, I began to realize that I have been avoiding myself for years. Sure, I’m living my life and pursuing some of my intentions, but so much has been – as the song says, Goin’ Thru the Motions. It’s not that I haven’t felt alive, but I don’t know how Awake I have truly been since before the pandemic began.

Over the past month or two, I’ve been Awakened quite regularly by what can best be described as nightmares. They were mostly just snippets – but as their details faded, I was left with the impression that they had all been a collection of related scenes. Like when a TV show has recaps at the top of the episode “Previously, in Lifeā€¦”

But now it’s time for a new season to debut. The Earth is coming into flower, and just as we saw the Moon allowing the Sun to emerge from its rest, I feel like it’s time for me to emerge from mine – so the theme for this cycle is Awakening. Two cycles ago I talked about how I felt I needed to rediscover a sense of Wonder, and last month that sharpened into a need for direction. Now, it’s time to Awaken – put my feet on the ground, make some coffee, and see what this new dawn might bring.

I don’t know what the story arc will look like for this season, or even what the themes of the episodes might be. But I know that there’s a solid backstory and nearly limitless possibilities for the future. It’s time to see what’s over the next hill.